POC 5 20th century Photography and Film

Points of Consideration 05 -Due October 15

25 points (printed and due in class 

Reading: Revolutions in Communication, pp 191-209, pp.107-190,


Respond briefly to each question. Briefly define each vocabulary term. Perfectly follow these guidelines for a written paper.

What is 3-point lighting?  Combine text and visuals to illustrate your response to the question. Demonstrate how 3 point lighting can be achieved with three lights.  Print and Post.

What technologies, toys and devices did early cinema devices draw from?

What were some measures taken to censor cinema—and to control this new technology—in the early twentieth century?

Who was D.W. Griffith?  Describe and contrast two different public reactions to The Birth of a Nation upon its release in 1915.

Who was Sergei Eisenstein?  Who was Josef Stalin?  From the account in the textbook, how did the rise of Stalin in the 1930s change the topics Sergei Eisenstein addressed in his films from the 1920s?

According to Kovarik, what were some of varied ways that American cinema treated African Americans on screen?



nitrate film

silver negative film

latham loop


cinématography and cinematographer

Motion Picture Patents Company

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

House Un-American Committee (HUAC)

studio system




Konica Japusin camera

spot meter



Charlie Chaplin

Buster Keaton

Harold Lloyd

Laurel and Hardy

portable darkroom


Describe and Respond to several examples of each photographer’s works.  Integrate into your Timeline and Post some of your writing to your blog.

Matthew Brady

Dorothea Lange

Leni Riefenshahl

Sebastiao Salgado

Man Ray

Edward S. Curtis

Richard Avedon

Annie Liebovitz

Ansel Adams 21 minutes